Endodontic treatment of a mandibular second molar with two mesial roots: report of a case

Iran Endod J. 2008 Fall;3(4):137-40. Epub 2008 Oct 1.


A case of unusual root morphology is presented to demonstrate anatomic variations in mandibular second molars. The most common configuration of mandibular second molar is to have two roots with three root canals; however mandibular molars may have many different combinations. Endodontic therapy was performed in a mandibular second molar with 3 separate roots 2 located mesially and one distally. Radiographically all 3 root canals terminated with individual foramina. Three orifices or 3 independent canals were found in the 3 separate roots, indicating a rare anatomic configuration. Looking for additional roots, canals and unusual morphology is an important part of successful endodontics as the knowledge of their existence occasionally enable clinicians to treat a case that otherwise might have ended in failure.

Keywords: Anatomy; Mandibular; Root; Second Molar.

Publication types

  • Case Reports