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24 results

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Free-electron lasing with compact beam-driven plasma wakefield accelerator.
Pompili R, Alesini D, Anania MP, Arjmand S, Behtouei M, Bellaveglia M, Biagioni A, Buonomo B, Cardelli F, Carpanese M, Chiadroni E, Cianchi A, Costa G, Del Dotto A, Del Giorno M, Dipace F, Doria A, Filippi F, Galletti M, Giannessi L, Giribono A, Iovine P, Lollo V, Mostacci A, Nguyen F, Opromolla M, Di Palma E, Pellegrino L, Petralia A, Petrillo V, Piersanti L, Di Pirro G, Romeo S, Rossi AR, Scifo J, Selce A, Shpakov V, Stella A, Vaccarezza C, Villa F, Zigler A, Ferrario M. Pompili R, et al. Among authors: piersanti l. Nature. 2022 May;605(7911):659-662. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04589-1. Epub 2022 May 25. Nature. 2022. PMID: 35614244
Monitoring of Hadrontherapy Treatments by Means of Charged Particle Detection.
Muraro S, Battistoni G, Collamati F, De Lucia E, Faccini R, Ferroni F, Fiore S, Frallicciardi P, Marafini M, Mattei I, Morganti S, Paramatti R, Piersanti L, Pinci D, Rucinski A, Russomando A, Sarti A, Sciubba A, Solfaroli-Camillocci E, Toppi M, Traini G, Voena C, Patera V. Muraro S, et al. Among authors: piersanti l. Front Oncol. 2016 Aug 3;6:177. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2016.00177. eCollection 2016. Front Oncol. 2016. PMID: 27536555 Free PMC article. Review.
Stable Operation of a Free-Electron Laser Driven by a Plasma Accelerator.
Galletti M, Alesini D, Anania MP, Arjmand S, Behtouei M, Bellaveglia M, Biagioni A, Buonomo B, Cardelli F, Carpanese M, Chiadroni E, Cianchi A, Costa G, Del Dotto A, Del Giorno M, Dipace F, Doria A, Filippi F, Franzini G, Giannessi L, Giribono A, Iovine P, Lollo V, Mostacci A, Nguyen F, Opromolla M, Pellegrino L, Petralia A, Petrillo V, Piersanti L, Di Pirro G, Pompili R, Romeo S, Rossi AR, Selce A, Shpakov V, Stella A, Vaccarezza C, Villa F, Zigler A, Ferrario M. Galletti M, et al. Among authors: piersanti l. Phys Rev Lett. 2022 Dec 2;129(23):234801. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.234801. Phys Rev Lett. 2022. PMID: 36563228
Addendum: Measurement of charged particle yields from PMMA irradiated by a 220 MeV/u 12C beam.
Mattei I, Battistoni G, Collini F, De Lucia E, Durante M, Fiore S, Latessa C, Mancini-Terracciano C, Marafini M, Mirabelli R, Muraro S, Paramatti R, Piersanti L, Rucinski A, Russomando A, Sarti A, Schuy C, Sciubba A, Solfaroli Camillocci E, Toppi M, Traini G, Valle SM, Vanstalle M, Patera V. Mattei I, et al. Among authors: piersanti l. Phys Med Biol. 2017 Sep 8. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aa8b35. Online ahead of print. Phys Med Biol. 2017. PMID: 28885189
A novel radioguided surgery technique exploiting β(-) decays.
Camillocci ES, Baroni G, Bellini F, Bocci V, Collamati F, Cremonesi M, De Lucia E, Ferroli P, Fiore S, Grana CM, Marafini M, Mattei I, Morganti S, Paganelli G, Patera V, Piersanti L, Recchia L, Russomando A, Schiariti M, Sarti A, Sciubba A, Voena C, Faccini R. Camillocci ES, et al. Among authors: piersanti l. Sci Rep. 2014 Mar 20;4:4401. doi: 10.1038/srep04401. Sci Rep. 2014. PMID: 24646766 Free PMC article.
Neutron Capture on the s-Process Branching Point ^{171}Tm via Time-of-Flight and Activation.
Guerrero C, Lerendegui-Marco J, Paul M, Tessler M, Heinitz S, Domingo-Pardo C, Cristallo S, Dressler R, Halfon S, Kivel N, Köster U, Maugeri EA, Palchan-Hazan T, Quesada JM, Rochman D, Schumann D, Weissman L, Aberle O, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Bacak M, Balibrea J, Barak A, Barbagallo M, Barros S, Bečvář F, Beinrucker C, Berkovits D, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Buzaglo Y, Caamaño M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Cardella R, Casanovas A, Castelluccio DM, Cerutti F, Chen YH, Chiaveri E, Colonna N, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Cosentino L, Dafna H, Damone A, Diakaki M, Dietz M, Dupont E, Durán I, Eisen Y, Fernández-Domínguez B, Ferrari A, Ferreira P, Finocchiaro P, Furman V, Göbel K, García AR, Gawlik A, Glodariu T, Gonçalves IF, González-Romero E, Goverdovski A, Griesmayer E, Gunsing F, Harada H, Heftrich T, Heyse J, Hirsh T, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Kaizer B, Katabuchi T, Kavrigin P, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Kijel D, Kimura A, Kokkoris M, Kriesel A, Krtička M, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer-Woods C, Leeb H, Lo Meo S, Lonsdale SJ, Losito R, Macina D, Manna A, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Massimi C, Mastinu P, Mastromarco M, … See abstract for full author list ➔ Guerrero C, et al. Among authors: piersanti l. Phys Rev Lett. 2020 Oct 2;125(14):142701. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.142701. Phys Rev Lett. 2020. PMID: 33064503 Free article.
Measurement of the ^{140}Ce(n,γ) Cross Section at n_TOF and Its Astrophysical Implications for the Chemical Evolution of the Universe.
Amaducci S, Colonna N, Cosentino L, Cristallo S, Finocchiaro P, Krtička M, Massimi C, Mastromarco M, Mazzone A, Maugeri EA, Mengoni A, Roederer IU, Straniero O, Valenta S, Vescovi D, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Babiano-Suarez V, Bacak M, Barbagallo M, Bennett S, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brown A, Busso M, Caamaño M, Caballero-Ontanaya L, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Casanovas A, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Damone LA, Davies PJ, Diakaki M, Dietz M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Ducasse Q, Dupont E, Durán I, Eleme Z, Fernández-Domínguez B, Ferrari A, Furman V, Göbel K, Garg R, Gawlik-Ramięga A, Gilardoni S, Gonçalves IF, González-Romero E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Harada H, Heinitz S, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Junghans A, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Kimura A, Knapová I, Kokkoris M, Kopatch Y, Kurtulgil D, Ladarescu I, Lederer-Woods C, Leeb H, Lerendegui-Marco J, Lonsdale SJ, Macina D, Manna A, Martínez T, Masi A, Mastinu P, Mendoza E, Michalopoulou V, Milazzo PM, Mingrone F, Moreno-Soto J, Musumarra A, Negret A, Nolte R, Ogállar F, Oprea A, Patronis N, Pavlik A, Perkowski J, Petrone C, Piersanti L, Pirovano E, Porras I, Praena J, … See abstract for full author list ➔ Amaducci S, et al. Among authors: piersanti l. Phys Rev Lett. 2024 Mar 22;132(12):122701. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.122701. Phys Rev Lett. 2024. PMID: 38579210 Free article.
Benchmarking Geant4 hadronic models for prompt-γ monitoring in carbon ion therapy.
Vanstalle M, Mattei I, Sarti A, Bellini F, Bini F, Collamati F, Lucia E, Durante M, Faccini R, Ferroni F, Finck C, Fiore S, Marafini M, Patera V, Piersanti L, Rovituso M, Schuy C, Sciubba A, Traini G, Voena C, Tessa C. Vanstalle M, et al. Among authors: piersanti l. Med Phys. 2017 Aug;44(8):4276-4286. doi: 10.1002/mp.12348. Epub 2017 Jun 30. Med Phys. 2017. PMID: 28586136
24 results