How Timely Is Diagnosis of Lung Cancer? Cohort Study of Individuals with Lung Cancer Presenting in Ambulatory Care in the United States.
Zigman Suchsland M, Kowalski L, Burkhardt HA, Prado MG, Kessler LG, Yetisgen M, Au MA, Stephens KA, Farjah F, Schleyer AM, Walter FM, Neal RD, Lybarger K, Thompson CA, Achkar MA, Sarma EA, Turner G, Thompson M.
Zigman Suchsland M, et al. Among authors: prado mg.
Cancers (Basel). 2022 Nov 23;14(23):5756. doi: 10.3390/cancers14235756.
Cancers (Basel). 2022.
PMID: 36497238
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