Simultaneous targeting of PD-1 and IL-2Rβγ with radiation therapy inhibits pancreatic cancer growth and metastasis.
Piper M, Hoen M, Darragh LB, Knitz MW, Nguyen D, Gadwa J, Durini G, Karakoc I, Grier A, Neupert B, Van Court B, Abdelazeem KNM, Yu J, Olimpo NA, Corbo S, Ross RB, Pham TT, Joshi M, Kedl RM, Saviola AJ, Amann M, Umaña P, Codarri Deak L, Klein C, D'Alessandro A, Karam SD.
Piper M, et al. Among authors: saviola aj.
Cancer Cell. 2023 May 8;41(5):950-969.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2023.04.001. Epub 2023 Apr 27.
Cancer Cell. 2023.
PMID: 37116489
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