Adeno-associated virus type 2 in US children with acute severe hepatitis.
Servellita V, Sotomayor Gonzalez A, Lamson DM, Foresythe A, Huh HJ, Bazinet AL, Bergman NH, Bull RL, Garcia KY, Goodrich JS, Lovett SP, Parker K, Radune D, Hatada A, Pan CY, Rizzo K, Bertumen JB, Morales C, Oluniyi PE, Nguyen J, Tan J, Stryke D, Jaber R, Leslie MT, Lyons Z, Hedman HD, Parashar U, Sullivan M, Wroblewski K, Oberste MS, Tate JE, Baker JM, Sugerman D, Potts C, Lu X, Chhabra P; Pediatric Hepatitis of Unknown Etiology Working Group; Ingram LA, Shiau H, Britt W, Gutierrez Sanchez LH, Ciric C, Rostad CA, Vinjé J, Kirking HL, Wadford DA, Raborn RT, St George K, Chiu CY.
Servellita V, et al. Among authors: sotomayor gonzalez a.
Nature. 2023 May;617(7961):574-580. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05949-1. Epub 2023 Mar 30.
Nature. 2023.
PMID: 36996871
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