Natural resistance to Meningococcal Disease related to CFH loci: Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies.
Martinón-Torres F, Png E, Khor CC, Davila S, Wright VJ, Sim KS, Vega A, Fachal L, Inwald D, Nadel S, Carrol ED, Martinón-Torres N, Alonso SM, Carracedo A, Morteruel E, López-Bayón J, Torre AC, Monge CC, de Aguilar PA, Torné EE, Martínez-Padilla MD, Martinón-Sánchez JM, Levin M, Hibberd ML, Salas A; ESIGEM network; ESPID meningococcal consortium – UK; EUCLIDS consortium members - Imperial College London (
Martinón-Torres F, et al. Among authors: torne ee.
Sci Rep. 2016 Nov 2;6:35842. doi: 10.1038/srep35842.
Sci Rep. 2016.
PMID: 27805046
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