Differences in intraoperative sampling during meningioma surgery regarding CNS invasion - Results of a survey on behalf of the EANS skull base section.
Behling F, Bruneau M, Honegger J, Berhouma M, Jouanneau E, Cavallo L, Cornelius JF, Messerer M, Daniel RT, Froelich S, Mazzatenta D, Meling T, Paraskevopoulos D, Roche PH, Schroeder HWS, Zazpe I, Voormolen E, Visocchi M, Kasper E, Schittenhelm J, Tatagiba M.
Behling F, et al.
Brain Spine. 2023 Apr 11;3:101740. doi: 10.1016/j.bas.2023.101740. eCollection 2023.
Brain Spine. 2023.
PMID: 37383436
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RESULTS: After exclusion of 13 incomplete responses, 142 (91.6%) datasets were used for statistical analysis. Only 47.2% of participants' institutions utilize a standardized sampling method, and 54.9% pursue a complete sampling of the area of contact between …
RESULTS: After exclusion of 13 incomplete responses, 142 (91.6%) datasets were used for statistical analysis. Only 47.2 …