Mental health promotion for young people - the case for yoga in schools

Educ North. 2018 Dec 21;25(3):139-147.


Background: Mental wellbeing among young people is deteriorating. Poor mental wellbeing can be related to unmanaged stress. Adverse Childhood Experiences are widespread and result in young people having stressful lives. Stress has many manifestations, and coping with it can lead to risky health-related behaviours.

Main body: A safe, scientifically-supported, efficient and effective set of stress-reduction skills is provided by the practice of yoga. At present, yoga is available privately, not publicly. After appropriately designed and evaluated interventions, the public provision of yoga could be integrated within the school curriculum, thereby reducing the high prevalence of prescription medication and offering a preventative strategy to promote positive mental health among young people.

Short conclusion: We suggest that the long-term benefits of an investment in a curriculum-embedded school-based yoga programme would do much to reduce stress both now for future generations.

Keywords: Yoga; consumer culture; intervention; meditation; mental health; mindfulness; schools; wellbeing.