How to diagnose a lipodystrophy syndrome.
Vantyghem MC, Balavoine AS, Douillard C, Defrance F, Dieudonne L, Mouton F, Lemaire C, Bertrand-Escouflaire N, Bourdelle-Hego MF, Devemy F, Evrard A, Gheerbrand D, Girardot C, Gumuche S, Hober C, Topolinski H, Lamblin B, Mycinski B, Ryndak A, Karrouz W, Duvivier E, Merlen E, Cortet C, Weill J, Lacroix D, Wémeau JL.
Vantyghem MC, et al.
Ann Endocrinol (Paris). 2012 Jun;73(3):170-89. doi: 10.1016/j.ando.2012.04.010. Epub 2012 Jun 28.
Ann Endocrinol (Paris). 2012.
PMID: 22748602
Some genetically determined forms have recently been found to be due to autoinflammatory syndromes linked to a proteasome anomaly (PSMB8). They result in a lipodystrophy syndrome that occurs secondarily with fever, dermatosis and panniculitis. ...In addition to the …
Some genetically determined forms have recently been found to be due to autoinflammatory syndromes linked to a proteasome anomaly (PSMB8 …