Spiritual intelligence, resiliency, and withdrawal time in clients of methadone maintenance treatment

Int J High Risk Behav Addict. 2013 Dec;2(3):132-5. doi: 10.5812/ijhrba.11308. Epub 2013 Dec 22.


Background: Reports show an increasing interest in spirituality. It has been revealed that people with spiritual tendencies, can better deal with a trauma, manage the stressful situations, and have greater improvement in their health condition.

Objectives: Our aim was to examine the relationship between spiritual intelligence and resiliency, and the relation of these two variables with the withdrawal time of individuals treated with methadone.

Materials and methods: This research was conducted on patients referred to the addiction center of Baharan Psychiatric Hospital in Zahedan, Iran. Our sample included 100 referrals; they were provided with questionnaires and asked to answer them honestly. King's spiritual intelligence questionnaire and resilience questionnaires were used.

Results: There were significant positive correlations between resiliency and scores of spiritual intelligence as well as with subscales of spiritual intelligence. In addition, there were significant positive correlations between withdrawal time and scores of spiritual intelligence as well as with subscales of spiritual intelligence as well as with resiliency.

Conclusions: Relationships between the spiritual intelligence and resiliency parameters with withdrawal time show that these parameters can have a role in relapse protection among addicted people.

Keywords: Intelligence; Recurrence; Substance-Related Disorders.