ESAIC focused guideline for the use of cardiac biomarkers in perioperative risk evaluation.
Lurati Buse G, Bollen Pinto B, Abelha F, Abbott TEF, Ackland G, Afshari A, De Hert S, Fellahi JL, Giossi L, Kavsak P, Longrois D, M'Pembele R, Nucaro A, Popova E, Puelacher C, Richards T, Roth S, Sheka M, Szczeklik W, van Waes J, Walder B, Chew MS.
Lurati Buse G, et al. Among authors: chew ms.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2023 Dec 1;40(12):888-927. doi: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001865. Epub 2023 Jun 1.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2023.
PMID: 37265332