The Next Generation of Training for Arabidopsis Researchers: Bioinformatics and Quantitative Biology.
Friesner J, Assmann SM, Bastow R, Bailey-Serres J, Beynon J, Brendel V, Buell CR, Bucksch A, Busch W, Demura T, Dinneny JR, Doherty CJ, Eveland AL, Falter-Braun P, Gehan MA, Gonzales M, Grotewold E, Gutierrez R, Kramer U, Krouk G, Ma S, Markelz RJC, Megraw M, Meyers BC, Murray JAH, Provart NJ, Rhee S, Smith R, Spalding EP, Taylor C, Teal TK, Torii KU, Town C, Vaughn M, Vierstra R, Ware D, Wilkins O, Williams C, Brady SM.
Friesner J, et al. Among authors: eveland al.
Plant Physiol. 2017 Dec;175(4):1499-1509. doi: 10.1104/pp.17.01490.
Plant Physiol. 2017.
PMID: 29208732
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