The relationship of emotional intelligence and mental disorders with internet addiction in internet users university students

Addict Health. 2012 Summer-Autumn;4(3-4):133-41.


Background: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship of emotional intelligence and mental disorders, with internet addiction in university students.

Methods: The method of study was descriptive-pilot one and correlation. Two hundred internet users (male and female) from Isfahan University and Isfahan University of Technology were randomly selected. For data collection Carson's emotional intelligence Questionnaire SCL-90 scale and Internet Addiction Test were used. Data analysis was implemented using multivariate regression statistical method.

Findings: Anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, aggression, phobia, hypochondria disorders, and emotional intelligence were the most significant predictors of Internet addiction. Moreover, there were significant correlations between these variables and Internet addiction disorder (P < 0.001). Moreover the findings showed that there were significant associations between depressive (R = 0.33), summarization (R = 0.24), and interpersonal sensitivity (R = 0.20) disorders. In this study no correlation was found between internet addiction disorder with psychosis and paranoid ideation. Moreover, among mental disorders, there was only a significant difference between the sexes in depression (P < 0.001); the men showed more depressive tendencies than women.

Conclusion: The results showed a correlation between emotional intelligence and mental disorders with internet addiction, but these results can help therapists, psychologists and counselors in providing services to help internet addicts.

Keywords: Anxiety; Depression; Emotional intelligence; Internet addiction; Mental disorders.