Body size interacts with the structure of the central nervous system: A multi-center in vivo neuroimaging study.
Labounek R, Bondy MT, Paulson AL, Bédard S, Abramovic M, Alonso-Ortiz E, Atcheson NT, Barlow LR, Barry RL, Barth M, Battiston M, Büchel C, Budde MD, Callot V, Combes A, De Leener B, Descoteaux M, de Sousa PL, Dostál M, Doyon J, Dvorak AV, Eippert F, Epperson KR, Epperson KS, Freund P, Finsterbusch J, Foias A, Fratini M, Fukunaga I, Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott CAM, Germani G, Gilbert G, Giove F, Grussu F, Hagiwara A, Henry PG, Horák T, Hori M, Joers JM, Kamiya K, Karbasforoushan H, Keřkovský M, Khatibi A, Kim JW, Kinany N, Kitzler H, Kolind S, Kong Y, Kudlička P, Kuntke P, Kurniawan ND, Kusmia S, Laganà MM, Laule C, Law CSW, Leutritz T, Liu Y, Llufriu S, Mackey S, Martin AR, Martinez-Heras E, Mattera L, O'Grady KP, Papinutto N, Papp D, Pareto D, Parrish TB, Pichiecchio A, Prados F, Rovira À, Ruitenberg MJ, Samson RS, Savini G, Seif M, Seifert AC, Smith AK, Smith SA, Smith ZA, Solana E, Suzuki Y, Tackley GW, Tinnermann A, Valošek J, Van De Ville D, Yiannakas MC, Weber KA 2nd, Weiskopf N, Wise RG, Wyss PO, Xu J, Cohen-Adad J, Lenglet C, Nestrašil I.
Labounek R, et al. Among authors: kurniawan nd.
bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 May 1:2024.04.29.591421. doi: 10.1101/2024.04.29.591421.
bioRxiv. 2024.
PMID: 38746371
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