Long-Lasting Efficacy of Radio Electric Asymmetric Conveyer Neuromodulation Treatment on Functional Dysmetria, an Adaptive Motor Behavior.
Fontani V, Rinaldi A, Rinaldi C, Araldi L, Azzarà A, Carta AM, Casale N, Castagna A, Del Medico M, Di Stasio M, Facchini M, Greco M, LaMarca S, Loro G, Marrone A, Palattella A, Pellegata G, Ruini D, Schmitt C, Vianini F, Maioli M, Ventura C, Caltabiano F, Bueno AJ, Fugino Matuoka A, Massahiro Nabechima E, Bechelli FA, da Silveira Bossi F, Nitschke Fontana GC, Finkielsztejn J, Coelho Pereira JA, Nunes Callegaro J, Vasconcelos Pinheiro K, Ferreira Alves LR, Kodja Daguer M, Marins Martins MC, Bezerra Uliana M, Knop Zisman N, Cezar Schütz P, Fochesato PR, Celso Felipe de Castro P, Tanaka Nabechima RM, Randon RB, Rinaldi S.
Fontani V, et al.
Cureus. 2022 Jun 8;14(6):e25768. doi: 10.7759/cureus.25768. eCollection 2022 Jun.
Cureus. 2022.
PMID: 35706441
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Background Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is widely defined as the deviation from perfect bilateral symmetry and is considered an epigenetic measure of environmental stress. Rinaldi and Fontani hypothesized that the FA morpho-functional changes originate from an adaptiv …
Background Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is widely defined as the deviation from perfect bilateral symmetry and is considered an epigenetic mea …