Robotic-assisted gait rehabilitation following stroke: a systematic review of current guidelines and practical clinical recommendations.
Calabrò RS, Sorrentino G, Cassio A, Mazzoli D, Andrenelli E, Bizzarini E, Campanini I, Carmignano SM, Cerulli S, Chisari C, Colombo V, Dalise S, Fundarò C, Gazzotti V, Mazzoleni D, Mazzucchelli M, Melegari C, Merlo A, Stampacchia G, Boldrini P, Mazzoleni S, Posteraro F, Benanti P, Castelli E, Draicchio F, Falabella V, Galeri S, Gimigliano F, Grigioni M, Mazzon S, Molteni F, Morone G, Petrarca M, Picelli A, Senatore M, Turchetti G, Bonaiuti D; Italian Consensus Conference on Robotics in Neurorehabilitation (CICERONE).
Calabrò RS, et al.
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2021 Jun;57(3):460-471. doi: 10.23736/S1973-9087.21.06887-8. Epub 2021 May 5.
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2021.
PMID: 33947828
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The aim of this study was to determine the scope, quality, and consistency of guidelines for robotic lower limb rehabilitation after stroke, in order to provide clinical recommendations. ...Four of the included guidelines focused on stroke management, …
The aim of this study was to determine the scope, quality, and consistency of guidelines for robotic lower limb reha …