We assess repeatability of automatic measurements of a new anterior segment optical coherence tomographer and biometer (ANTERION) and their agreement with those provided by an anterior segment-optical coherence tomography device combined with Placido-disk corneal topography (MS-39) and a validated optical biometer (IOLMaster 500). A consecutive series of patients underwent three measurements with ANTERION and one with MS-39. A subgroup of patients underwent biometry also with IOLMaster 500. Repeatability was assessed by means of within-subject standard deviation, coefficient of variation (COV), and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Agreement was investigated with the 95% limits of agreement. Paired t-test and Wilcoxon matched-pairs test were performed to compare the measurements of the different devices. Repeatability of ANTERION measurements was high, with ICC > 0.98 for all parameters except astigmatism (0.963); all parameters apart from those related to astigmatism revealed a COV < 1%. Repeatability of astigmatism improved when only eyes whose keratometric astigmatism was higher than 1.0 D were investigated. Most measurements by ANTERION and MS-39 showed good agreement. No significant differences were found between measurements by ANTERION and IOLMaster, but for corneal diameter. ANTERION revealed high repeatability of automatic measurements and good agreement with both MS-39 and IOLMaster for most parameters.