Forcing ferromagnetic coupling between rare-earth-metal and 3d ferromagnetic films

Phys Rev Lett. 2010 Apr 16;104(15):156402. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.156402. Epub 2010 Apr 15.


Using density functional calculations, we have studied the magnetic properties of nanocomposites composed of rare-earth-metal elements in contact with 3d transition metals (Fe and Cr). We demonstrate the possibility to obtain huge magnetic moments in such nanocomposites, of order 10mu(B)/rare-earth-metal atom, with a potential to reach the maximum magnetic moment of Fe-Co alloys at the top of the so-called Slater-Pauling curve. A first experimental proof of concept is given by thin-film synthesis of Fe/Gd and Fe/Cr/Gd nanocomposites, in combination with x-ray magnetic circular dichroism.