Isolation of compound microsatellite loci in the herbaceous perennial Cirsium purpuratum (Maxim.) Matsum

Mol Ecol Resour. 2008 Jul;8(4):814-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2007.02077.x.


The herbaceous perennial Cirsium purpuratum is a pioneer on the southeast side of Mount Fuji in Japan. For genetic analysis of reproduction in this species, we developed polymorphic compound microsatellite markers using an adaptor-ligated library method and a simpler method called the intercompound microsatellite method. The latter method was an effective method for developing compound simple sequence repeat markers. In total, 11 polymorphic, codominant microsatellite markers were developed and characterized for this species. These polymorphic markers had three to 20 alleles per locus, a range of observed heterozygosity from 0.25 to 0.90, and were considered effective for genetic analysis.