Assessing the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis among infertile women of Qom city

Iran J Microbiol. 2014 Dec;6(6):404-8.


Background and objectives: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a common disorder which happens when the balance of bacterial flora in vagina is disrupted by a shift in concentration of lactobacillus and pathogenic bacteria.It has significant sequelae including increased rates of late miscarriage when diagnosed in early pregnancy, premature rupture of the membranes, endometritis, preterm labour and delivery and tubal factor infertility. So it seems to be necessary to evaluate the prevalence of BV among women with primary infertility.

Material and methods: All specimens were collected during vagina examination by use of a speculum and swabbing. A sampling swab was introduced into vaginal canal and rotated for at least 8 seconds before withdrawal. The vaginal swabs were examined in standard microbiological analysis including of microscopy, culture and sensitivity examination.

Results and conclusion: Totally identified Gram positive bacteria were significantly higher in number than the Gram negative bacteria. We found that the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis as 70.34% among infertile women of Qom city. Staphylococcus aureus was the most prevalent vaginal pathogen (57.33%) followed by E. coli (25.33%). S. aureus showed maximum sensitivity to penicillin and gentamicin. It means that fortunately in Qom, this bacterium has not acquired resistance against penicillin yet. So, all physicians must have a high index of suspicion and use readily available screening methods to recognize and treat the patients with infectious vaginitis adequately.

Keywords: Antibiotic therapy; Bacterial vaginosis; Microbial culture; Staphylococcus aureus.