
In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.


Primidone, an aromatic anticonvulsant, holds a pivotal role in the comprehensive management of complex, partial, and generalized seizures prevalent in individuals who have epilepsy. This program delves into crucial facets essential for adept clinical application: indications, contraindications, pharmacological activity, and adverse events associated with primidone. The curriculum is designed to impart indispensable knowledge to members of an interprofessional healthcare team, fostering their ability to navigate the nuanced landscape of epilepsy management. Emphasis is placed on elucidating primidone's clinical attributes, shedding light on its indications, limitations, and potential adverse effects across diverse seizure types. By highlighting essential elements such as contraindications, adverse reactions, and therapeutic activity, this educational initiative seeks to empower healthcare professionals, augmenting their proficiency in harnessing primidone's therapeutic potential within the intricate realm of epilepsy management.

Publication types

  • Study Guide