Chyluria-a review of literature and a modified sclerotherapy regimen

Turk J Urol. 2019 Dec;45(Supp. 1):S174-S177. doi: 10.5152/tud.2019.64507. Epub 2019 Dec 1.


Chyluria, described as passage of milky white urine, has been recognized as a urological manifestation of the lymphatic system due to abnormal connection between the blocked and dilated lymphatics and the renal pelvicaliceal systems. We report the case of a 36-year-old female from an endemic area of filariasis in India who presented with chyluria. In addition to medical therapy, intermittent sclerotherapy of renal pelvis with 0.2% povidone iodine was carried out with a dose schedule different from the ones in practice earlier. The idea of intermittent sclerotherapy was to create pyelolymphatic and pyelosinus reflux so as to sclerose the communicating channel between the lymphatic and urinary systems. This method proved to be curative for the patient and she was relieved from her 8-year-old problem and subsequently remained asymptomatic.