Mixed effect modeling of tetracycline resistance levels in Danish slaughter pigs

Prev Vet Med. 2021 Apr 16:191:105362. doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105362. Online ahead of print.


Mathematical and statistical modeling can be a very useful tool in understanding and fighting antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Here we present investigations of mixed effect models of varying complexity in order to identify and address possible management factors affecting the tetracycline AMR levels in Danish pig farms. Besides antimicrobial exposure during pigs life cycle, the type of production seems to also have an influence. The results concludes that not only fully integrated farms (CHR integrated) but also farms in a production network with a single ownership (CVR integrated) might have a preventive effect on levels of tetracycline AMR compared to more complex trading patterns.

Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance; Danish pig production; Mixed effect modeling; Tetracycline.