Training efficacy of robotic duct-to-mucosa pancreaticojejunostomy simulation using silicone models for surgical fellows

Ann Surg Treat Res. 2024 Jan;106(1):45-50. doi: 10.4174/astr.2024.106.1.45. Epub 2023 Dec 28.


Purpose: In the era of minimally invasive surgery (MIS), robotic pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) is actively performed, and clinical fellows need to thoroughly prepare for MIS-PD during the training process. Although pancreaticojejunostomy (PJ) is a difficult anastomosis that requires repeated practice, there are obstacles preventing its practice that concerns patient safety and limited time in the actual operating room. This study evaluated the efficacy of simulation-based training of robotic duct-to-mucosa PJ using pancreatic and intestinal silicone models using a scoring system.

Methods: Three pancreatobiliary clinical fellows who had never performed a real robotic PJ participated in this study. Each trainee, who was well acquainted with master's video created by a senor surgeon, performed the robotic PJ procedures 9 times, and 3 independent pancreatobiliary surgeons assessed the videos and analyzed the scores using a blind method.

Results: The mean robotic PJ times for the 3 trainees were 42.8 and 29.1 minutes for the first and 9th videos, respectively. The mean score was 13.8 (range, 6-17) for the first video and 17.7 (range, 15-19) for the 9th video. When comparing earlier and later attempts, the PJ time decreased significantly (2,201.67 seconds vs. 2,045.50 seconds, P = 0.007), whereas test scores increased significantly (total score 14.22 vs. 16.89, P = 0.011).

Conclusion: This robotic education system will help pancreatobiliary trainees overcome the learning curves efficiently and quickly without raising ethical concerns associated with animal models or direct practice with human subjects. This will be of practical assistance to trainees preparing for MIS-PD.

Keywords: Pancreaticojejunostomy; Physical education and training; Professional education; Robotics; Simulation training.