Treponema pallidum periplasmic and membrane proteins are recognized by circulating and skin CD4+ T cells

bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Feb 29:2024.02.27.581790. doi: 10.1101/2024.02.27.581790.


Background: Histologic and serologic studies suggest the induction of local and systemic Treponema pallidum ( Tp )-specific CD4+ T cell responses to Tp infection. We hypothesized that Tp -specific CD4+ T cells are detectable in blood and in the skin rash of secondary syphilis and persist in both compartments after treatment.

Methods: PBMC collected from 67 participants were screened by IFNγ ELISPOT response to Tp sonicate. Tp -reactive T cell lines from blood and skin were probed for responses to 88 recombinant Tp antigens. Peptide epitopes and HLA class II restriction were defined for selected antigens.

Results: We detected CD4+ T cell responses to Tp sonicate ex vivo. Using Tp -reactive T cell lines we observed recognition of 14 discrete proteins, 13 of which localize to bacterial membranes or the periplasmic space. After therapy, Tp -specific T cells persisted for at least 6 months in skin and 10 years in blood.

Conclusions: Tp infection elicits an antigen-specific CD4+ T cell response in blood and skin. Tp -specific CD4+ T cells persist as memory in both compartments long after curative therapy. The Tp antigenic targets we identified may be high priority vaccine candidates.

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