The Role of Protein S-Nitrosylation in Mitochondrial Quality Control in Central Nervous System Diseases

Aging Dis. 2024 Apr 25. doi: 10.14336/AD.2024.0099. Online ahead of print.


S-Nitrosylation is a reversible covalent post-translational modification. Under physiological conditions, S-nitrosylation plays a dynamic role in a wide range of biological processes by regulating the function of substrate proteins. Like other post-translational modifications, S-nitrosylation can affect protein conformation, activity, localization, aggregation, and protein interactions. Aberrant S-nitrosylation can lead to protein misfolding, mitochondrial fragmentation, synaptic damage, and autophagy. Mitochondria are essential organelles in energy production, metabolite biosynthesis, cell death, and immune responses, among other processes. Mitochondrial dysfunction can result in cell death and has been implicated in the development of many human diseases. Recent evidence suggests that S-nitrosylation and mitochondrial dysfunction are important modulators of the progression of several diseases. In this review, we highlight recent findings regarding the aberrant S- nitrosylation of mitochondrial proteins that regulate mitochondrial biosynthesis, fission and fusion, and autophagy. Specifically, we discuss the mechanisms by which S-nitrosylated mitochondrial proteins exercise mitochondrial quality control under pathological conditions, thereby influencing disease. A better understanding of these pathological events may provide novel therapeutic targets to mitigate the development of neurological diseases.

Publication types

  • Review