Introduction: Striae distensae in White people are commonly described as being reddish at first and turning white in time. This dual perception has been challenged. Indeed, the color difference between striae distensae and their surrounding skin varies on a wide range in part depending upon typology.
Aim: To study striae nigrae that are found only in subjects of darker complexion.
Materials and methods: In the present study conducted in 44 darker skin adults, dermoscopy was combined to reflectance colorimetry.
Results: Striae nigrae exhibited hypermelanosis of the epidermal rete ridges crossing transversally the lesions in a laddering pattern. By contrast, striae albae showed only faint melanotic networks.
Conclusions: As striae distensae are in part under the influence of skin stretching, their colors are likely to be controlled by some mechanobiological process activating or inhibiting melanogenesis in people of darker complexion. No argument involving an inflammatory mechanism is supported by the present observations.