Clinical Presentation of Wide Field of Cancerization Associated with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Int J Dent. 2023 Mar 17:2023:7530295. doi: 10.1155/2023/7530295. eCollection 2023.


Background: The late presentation of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients in Sudan, with advanced stages and wide field of cancerization (WFC), has a negative impact on these patients. The present study aimed to investigate the different clinical presentations of mucosal changes in WFC associated with OSCC in Sudanese patients.

Methods: This a prospective longitudinal study of 93 OSCC cases. Tumor's associated field of cancerization was identified and related clinical mucosal changes were described.

Results: Out of the 93 patients, 57 (61.3%) were males and 36 (38.7%) were females. Eighty-two percent of the patients presented with stage IV tumors. Ninety-two patients had multiple sites involved in the oral cavity with overlap of sites involved. The Gingivobuccal mucosa (74.2%) was the most frequent site involved. Eighty-three (89.2%) of the lesions were surrounded by mucosal changes, of them 32 (38%) surrounded by a grizzle (mixed dark and white) discoloration and 21 (26%) were surrounded by a white-smoke discoloration followed by 17 (20%) and 13 (16%) surrounded by cotton-white and Café au lait discolorations, respectively. Forty-four (47.3%) lesions had overlapping presentations and surrounded by erythematous patches.

Conclusion: The present study showed that OSCC patients in Sudan present with advanced lesions, mostly associated with WFC, particularly the Toombak dippers. The different mucosal changes seen in the WFC associated with OSCC in these cases are in accordance with the known five mucosal presentations.